Sunday, July 7, 2013

Bugs! Keep Away!

Hi People
I am thinking this recipe might be a good one for some of you if you are having the same problem we are.
We had a beautiful Independence Day.  We think we counted over 40 people at our annual picnic.  The food was plentiful and wonderful.  The people were friendly and the bugs were few.  I had made up some of my homemade "Bug Keep Away" stuff and Bob sprayed it around the yard just before guests were supposed to arrive.  It seemed to do the trick as there were a few mosquitos, but not enough to have people leaving for home.  And I didn't see anyone doing the "Slap Dance".   But that all changed the next day.  Dramatically.  The next day the mosquitos were thick.  We were shocked as it happened so fast.  So I made up more of my 'brew' and have instructed Bob to keep the area around the back door sprayed so when I let the dog out, he and I both don't get eaten alive.  I am giving the recipe to anyone who wants it.  I got it from a friend a few years ago.  It works well for at least half a day and probably longer. So, it's good for a party.  Just spray again if it seems to wear off.  Here is the 'skinny'.
1 cup lemon scented dish detergent
1 cup lemon scented ammonia
2 gallons water
That's all there is to it.  We have a two gallon sprayer that you carry around, but if you don't want to be bothered with that, just mix up the brew and get a spray bottle from Walgreens or the hardware store.  You need to spray the grass and the bushes and anywhere you think the critters are hiding.
This does not kill the bugs.  The citrus is just a smell they don't like one bit and the dish detergent makes it stick to the grass for awhile, so they stay away.
I'm not saying it's magic, but sometimes it sure feels that way.  I was not bothered at all at the picnic, but the next day the little critters came out in full force in broad daylight.  I ended up with bites all over including three bee stings.  (No worries.  I'm not allergic and they just itch)  The aloe that I usually use for mosquito bites (and it takes them away) did not work, and they swelled quite a bit, so I'm assuming a bee got me when I was rinsing off soda cans to recycle.  I saw some little ones in the grass.  I hope this will be as helpful to you as we have found it.  We are thankful for all the rain we have had this year, but it sure made the mosquitos hatch. Good luck to anyone who tries it.

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